L'association des ingenieurs informaticiens et ingenieurs camerounais d'Allemagne (AIIC, www.vkii.org) organise pour son Symposium qui aura lieu le 16 Decembre 2006 en Allemagne, une compétition nommée "Best Student Award" récompensant les travaux innovants d'étudiants
camerounais dans le domaine des sciences et techniques. Cette compétition est organisée sur un plan international, et bien évidemment, les différentes communautés camerounaises de France et d'ailleurs y sont conviées.
Ci-dessous les informations pratiques liées à cet évènement.
Purpose : The First VKII-Best Student award is an international contest offering undergraduate and graduate Cameroonian students worldwide an opportunity to compete for an award, as they examine innovative topics in engineering and computer science in order to solve everyday live, problems.
The VKII Student Competition goal consists of:
1. Highlight and reward very high quality work from students in engineering, computer sciences and related
2. Encourage college students to explore engineering and computer science opportunities and improve their
individual skills from system level design down to the implementation
3. Engage college teachers and students in their examination of this required topic
4. Challenge college students to strengthen their creativity skills
5. Help students to establish first contacts with professionals and researchers in the related fields
Eligibility : The participation is open to Cameroonian students all over the world. All contributions must be original work done by one student or by a group of students. The submission must be done via email addressed to award@vkii.org no later than the 30.10.2006. Winner notification will posted by November 15th 2006. Students must submit their master thesis and an abstract no longer than 6 pages with a 10pt font coding. The contribution should describe either a conceptual work aimed at solving a given problem in engineering or computer science or a practical implementation with a novelty character. A recommendation of the supervisor must be submitted as well.
Submission may be done only by Bachelor and Master Degree students presenting their bachelor or master dissertation in computer science, computer engineering, electrical engineering and all related fields. For the recent graduates: all submitted work must have been initiated and the bulk of the work must have been performed in the school of study.
The awards consist of a PERSONAL COMPUTER that will be handed at the Gala, in the evening after the workshop. The winner will also receive a free registration to the VKII-Workshop. The possibility to present the work at the workshop
is also given.
Venue : Cosmopolitan Restaurant & Konferenz, Im Hauptbahnhof 1, 60329 Frankfurt am Main
Decision Committe :
Hugues Njiende, Paderborn University (Germany)
Alain Tiedeu, Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique(Cameroon)
Emmanuel Tonye, Ecole Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique (Cameroon)
Etienne Nitidem-Ndengue, Lenze Driving Systems(Germany)
Alain B. Batongué, Quotidienmutations (Cameroun)
Alain Pfouga, Prostep AG (Germany)
Christophe Bobda, Kaiserslautern University of Technology (Germany)
Giscard Wepiwe, Berlin University of Technology (Germany)
Honore Tchoukuegno, DaimlerChrysler (Germany)
Alain Fonkoua, Synopsys Inc (France)
Romain Kamdem, ST Microelectronics (France)
Pierre F. Tiako, Langston University (Oklahoma, USA)
Emmanuel Simeu, TIMA (Grenoble, France)
Jerome Monteu Nana, SAP (Germany)
Sadou Daouda, Siemens AG (Germany)
Frederic Essam, IBM (Germany)
Henri Bosco Djeuda, University of Yaoundé(Cameroon)
Pierre Bisseck, IBM (Germany)
Pepin Tchouate Heteu, University of Leuven (Belgium)
Gaetan Meli Kouala, Sysberry GmbH (Germany)
Francis A. Nzeukeyo, Aida Development (Germany)
Bertin Mbakok, O2 (Germany)
Simon Som, Projektentwicklungsbüro Dr.-Ing. Som(Germany)
Kavaye, Aboubaka, Aribus (Germany)
Firmin Kamleu, EnergieBau (Mali)
Alain Guy Bellhomo, T-Com (Germany)
Jean-Pierre Kassi, Synthes, Inc. (Switzerland)
Important dates :
15.10.2006 : submission deadline
15.11.2006 : Winner’s notification
Pour plus d'informations, vous pouvez vous rendre sur www.vkii.org.